Among the journals for which we have helped our clients prepare their papers for publication in, are the following:
Accounting and Business Management
- Academy of Management Journal
- Accounting Review
- European Accounting Review (Taylor & Francis)
- European Journal of International Management (Insiderscience Publishers
- Human Resource Management (Wiley)
- International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation (Insiderscience Publishers)
- The International Journal of Human Resource Management (Taylor & Francis)
- Journal of Accounting Research
- Journal of Business Ethics (Springer)
- Journal of Consumer Research
- Journal of Operations Management (Elsevier)
- International Journal of Production Research (Taylor & Francis)
- Management Accounting Research (Elsevier)
- Review of Accounting Studies (Springer)
- South Asian Journal of Global Business Research
- Age and Ageing (Oxford Journals)
- American Journal of Nephrology (Karger)
- Biological Psychology (Elsevier)
- Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis
- Cell Biology International (Elsevier)
- BMC Medicine
- Experimental Lung Research (Taylor & Francis)
- Fertility and Sterility (Elsevier)
- Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience
- Frontiers in Pediatrics
- International Journal of Nursing Studies (Elsevier)
- International Journal of Audiology (Informa Healthcare)
- Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery
- Journal of Immunological Methods (Elsevier)
- Journal of Internal Medicine (Wiley)
- Journal of Neural Engineering (IOP Science)
- Journal of Neuroscience
- Journal of Pediatrics
- Journal of Oncology (Hindawi)
- Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopy (KSSTA)
- RNAbiology (Landes Bioscience)
- American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics (Oxford Journals)
- Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (Oxford Journals)
- Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Ecological Economics (Elsevier)
- Econometrica (Wiley)
- Experimental Economics (Springer)
- Journal International Economic Law (Oxford Journals)
- Journal of Finance (Wiley)
- Journal of Public Economics (Elsevier)
- Review of Development Economics (Wiley)
- The Quarterly Journal of Economics (Oxford Journals)
- The Scandanavian Journal of Economics (Wiley)
Engineering, Computer Science, and Information Technology
- Computers & Geosciences (Elsevier)
- Construction and Building Materials
- Energy, The International Journal (Elsevier)
- European Journal of Information Systems (Palgrave)
- International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management
- e-gfos
- IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Capability
- Information, Communication & Society (Taylor & Francis)
- International Journal of Pavement Engineering (Taylor & Francis)
- Materials and Structures (Springer)
- Oil & Gas Journal
- Remote Sensing (Open Access Journal)
Humanities, Law, and International Development
- American Journal of Numismatics
- American Journal of Philology (Johns Hopkins University Press)
- British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (Taylor & Francis)
- Bryn Mawr Classical Review
- The Classical Review
- Ideas in History (Museum Tuscalanum Press)
- Islamic Law and Society (Brill)
- Johns Hopkins Center for Communications Programs
- Journal of Architectural Education (Taylor & Francis)
- Journal of Conflict Resolution (Sage)
- Journal of Modern Greek Studies
- Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (Taylor & Francis)
- Journal of Public Policy
- Journalism Practice (Taylor & Francis)
- Mnemosyne (Brill)
- New England Classical Journal
- Phoenix
- Refugee Survey Quarterly (Oxford Journals)
- Transactions of the American Philological Association (Johns Hopkins University Press)
- Trends in Classics
- Addiction (Wiley)
- American Chemical Society
- Botanica Marina
- Clinical Obesity (Wiley)
- Crop Science (Crop Science Society of America)
- Desalination (Elsevier)
- Environmental Pollution (Elsevier)
- Environmental Toxicology (Wiley)
- Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Wiley)
- Journal of Mammalogy (Oxford Journals)
- Journal of Microbiology Research
- Journal of Phycology (Wiley)
- Journal of Solution Chemistry (Springer)
- Journal of Vaccum Science & Technology
- Obesity (Wiley)
- PLOS One
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
- Phycologia (International Phycological Society)
- Plant Physiology (American Society of Plant Biologists)
Social Sciences
- American Ethnologist (Wiley)
- American Sociological Review (Sage)
- Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
- Chinese Sociological Review (M. E. Sharpe)
- International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley)
- Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy (Wiley)
- Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (Wiley)
- Journal of Cases in Education Leadership (Sage)
- Journal of Comparative Family Studies
- Journal of International Consumer Marketing (Taylor & Francis)
- Mass Communication and Society (Taylor & Francis)
- Motivation and Emotion
- The Psychologist-Manager Journal (Taylor & Francis)
- Population and Development Review (Wiley)
- Population Research and Policy Review (Springer)
- Social Forces (Oxford Journals)